From 7 Am (when she woke up) to 2:30 (when she gets out of school) to 5:30 (when she gets off work), Anna ate exactly:
1 Lemon Cake (that i stole from my bakery)
Fear not, she's not an anorexic. She's just a overworked yearbook-aholic... is there meetings for people like her?
so, after about 9 hours of starvation, she came home to eat.
6 almonds
1 chickpea (she didn't realize it was a chickpea until i pointed it out. She thought it was a retarded cashew)
6 cashews
1 cherry (she doesn't really like cherry)
1 cup of soy bean milk (the package advertise it as "student something soybean milk"
6 pieces of seaweed
1 dried strawberry
1 dried kiwi (my aunt brought a bag of dehydrated fruits from maryland)
1 dried mango
1 Rafallelo (they are the white chocolate version of Ferrero Rocher. It's an almond covered in white chocolate surrounded by a wafer then covered by more white chocolated and dusted with coconut)
6 Andes Mint
1/2 a bar of Twix ( I ate the other half)
A bowl of rice with shrimps and veggies
1 piece of bread spreaded with Nutella (best food ever)
2 "Turtles"
Now, now. I know what you are all thinking.
"What are these "Turtles" thing? It couldn't be real turtles because they are in quotations. Then what are they?!"
They are unbelievably awesome treats that my co-worker the magnificent Betty brought in for our Christmas work party. She gave me the recipe back in december however the prices for pecans was a bit too steep for my college student bank account. However today, I was just like "ah, screw it." Brought it and made it.
It was soooo good. I'm enclosing the recipe below.
1 bag of Rolo
1 bag of waffle pretzels
1 bag of whole pecan
Place the pretzels on a non-stick cookie sheet. Distance themselve from their neighbors. Then begin the horrible task of unwrapping all your Rolos. Place one Rolo on each pretzel. Repeat this step until all the naked pretzels are covered with a Rolo. When you are done, place the tray in the oven at 350 for no more than 3 minutes.
I was making fun of my mother for a minute too long and my chocolate melted a bit too much. It still tasted good however it's harder to work with. Okay. After the chocolate soften, stick a pecan on top of it and squish it down pretty good. Repeat for as many pretzels as you have. Allow the yummy combination to cool for a few seconds. Then proceed to eat as much as you want :)
They are salty, crunchly and sweet little morsels of the gods.
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