What is strange is the lack of eating an animal for a day. That is why I found my friend, Clare ( tall white Irish vegetarian for short) strange... in a good way of course. Therefore I decided to interview her via IM (thank god for technology) to see her point of view.
Me (aka Anna's starving sister): So, Clare, what is your reason for becoming a vegetarian in the first place?
Tall White Irish Vegetarian: Well, in my freshman year, this girl was talking to me about KFC and how they were really mean to their chickens. So at first I just didn't eat KFC, then after awhile I decided to just beome a full fledged vegetarian because I didn't like to think about how the animals were treated. I figured it wouldn't be too hard since I didn't eat a lot of meat anyway.
Me: So what do you eat?
TWIV: I love any form of potato. I could live off of them. I love junk food, chips, cheese, ice cream, water ice, pizza, candy, and lots of other things I can't think of. Oh, and I love ranch dressing on basically anything! And french fries!
Me: Does it upset you when your friends aka Anna the eatasarous eat meat?
TWIV: It doesn't bother me when people eat meat. Being a vegetarian is my choice and it shouldn't affect other people.
Me: Have you consider being a vegan?
TWIV: I could NEVER be a vegan. It would be too hard for me, I love dairy too much. Plus, my parents and my doctor would be even more worried about my protein intake
Me: Do you still eat fish and seafood?
TWIV: No, only cause I don't like it. Well, mostly cause I don't like it, but I feel bad for them too.
Me: Shrimp including?
TWIV: Ewwws! I've never tried it
Me: ... you have never eaten shrimp?!
TWIV: Nope.
Me: ...weird.
TWIV: Not as weird as your face!
Me: uh..
Me: Is it hard eating out when you are a vegetarian?
TWIV: Usually there's at least one meal that's vegetarian in most restaurants. It's annoying if there's not much of a choice, but I've got to say a lot of restaurants are good about it
Me: How does being friends with Anna the Asian eating machine affect you and your food?
TWIV: It's cool cause I eat a lot too. So when we go to restaurants, it's fun to order alot of food and eat it all together!
Me: Have you ever seen her eating and thought "Oh god, this beast is gonna eat all of america. I must shoot her now to save the world!"?
TWIV: ...no, I actually have not. Though, I can't judge her when I eat at least as much as her!

A big thank you for Clare the Veggie-monster for giving her time and sanity to answer my question. Also, a big applause goes to her too for being able to look sexy while eating a raw potato!
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